FAQs - GEP exams

Frequently Asked Questions - GEP exams

FAQs - GEP exams

GEP English Exams offers a preparation course for the B1, B2, C1 and C2 tests. It is a 20 hour preparation course that will provide you with information on the methodology and skills tested. You will also practice each skill for the level. Your company can also prepare students for the exams.

If depends on the exam you’re taking. Three components, (reading, listening and language use): $67 USD. Five components (reading, listening, language use, speaking and writing): $85 USD. Discounts available on volume purchases.

Results on the standard exam are provided immediately after the exam is taken on our informative Dashboard. our extended exam (productive skills included) are provided within five business days after taking the exam on our dashboard.

Our exams are English proficiency exams aimed at specific CEFR levels, hence this is not their primary purpose. However, they are accepted at institutions that have become GEP English exams testing centers.

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